
To help you clarify your offers -- The CORE Program

​I'm launching a new coaching program to support you in clarifying the most resonant service or product that you can offer to your audience.

You’ll gain confidence
 in brainstorming and then narrowing down what you would enjoy offering, that will likely be also financially successful.

You’ll learn to explain what you offer in a clear way.

Watch me explain the 8 steps of the CORE program in the video above.

I'm facilitating this program live only once every 2 years.

The next round star…

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Hold lightly to your professional title and description

I’ve seen so many people get stuck about how to come up with the perfect professional title or succinct description of their work.

Here’s the secret:

It’s mostly a vanity exercise, unless you come up with a brilliant brand name, but that can take a lot of time. You can simply let it surface organically. If you keep waiting for that perfect name before you start your marketing, you might just go out of business.
You don’t need a perfect title or short description to start getting cli…

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Niche mates, not competitors.

​How do you feel about the word “competition”? For us self-employed people, that word can create anxiety and resistance. Being “competitive” tends to make human beings less cooperative.

Instead, I recommend using the term “niche mates” — other worthy human beings who occupy the same industry niche as us.

They, too, have families to feed, and dreams they hope to achieve. And, similar to us, they also have hidden suffering in their life that, if we only knew, would inspire our deep compas…

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Why I don't promise results -- yet have plenty of clients

​She was surprised:

"How do you get clients without promising results?"

Other business coaches had promised her piles of cash. When their methods didn't deliver the kind of business results they sold, she blamed herself... "It's not the coach... It's my own fault."

I used to promise results, too. Isn’t that the only way to get clients? 
After years of marketing experience, I’ve learned that sustainable trust is based on honesty and caring, not hype.

What I now promise to my clients…

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Maybe you only need a One Page Website...

What if you only need a 1 page website?

When you’re still aiming to get your first 50 (or 100) clients, maybe all you need is a one-page website. Truly.

Most of your clients are going to come from word-of-mouth anyway. So why are you working so hard to build a fancy website that takes you more than a few hours to do?

Let me share with you an example of a one-page website that I just came across…

If by the time you’re reading this, she’s made it fancier, I’ve made a video showing you her on…

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