
Is the market for online offerings now saturated?

A client asked:

“I’m feeling overwhelmed by all the online offerings that are popping up everywhere, now that people are in self-isolation. This is putting me off wanting to offer online stuff too. Isn’t the market saturated? Any advice or encouragement?”

My thoughts:
Truthfully, for years there has been much more online content than people can consume, and more online offerings than people can attend. You could say that the market has already been “saturated”, well before this pandem…

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I hope I get pigeonholed....

A client said: “I don’t want to be labeled as [specific type of service] because I do so much more than that!”

The problem is, if people don’t pigeonhole you, they probably don’t remember you at all.

You’d rather be pigeonholed as something useful or interesting to them, and then as they consume your content or work, they will be delighted to discover that you do even more.

Let me explain.
Just like anyone in the modern world, your potential client is inundated with information. To simply …

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A Simple Practice to Describe What Work You Do

If you are a service provider struggling with describing what kind of work you do with clients, this post is for you.

Try the following exercise and if you’d like, comment below with what you come up with. (You may also get inspired by reading others’ comments too.)

If you think by writing, then write down your answers. If instead you’re better at coming up with ideas by talking, then start a recording (e.g. on your phone’s voice memo app) and just allow yourself to imagine and intuit whatever…

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7 reasons that people buy (build these into your offerings)

To have your authentic business be financially successful, you need to learn how to frame your offerings (products/services) in a way that is resonant with your ideal audience.

We are usually only taught 1 thing:

Speak to the pain of the client, what keeps them up at night. Frame your service as a solution to their problems.

We keep hearing about this because it works -- people do spend money to resolve pain. However, we authentic business owners don’t like to stoke people’s pain!


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Authentic Pricing for Solopreneurs

Finding the “right” price for your services, programs, products.

Most authentic businesses have haphazard pricing.

Sometimes, you just pick a number based on how you “feel” about it. The problem is that your audience might not “feel” the same. No matter how intuitive, you are still a human being, with normal human biases. Pricing from a shoot-from-the-hip kind of way is not wise business practice. You're treating your business like a hobby.

Or, you might blindly trust a business/marketing exp…

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