
Profound Ease while Building Your Authentic Business…

Profound Ease while Building Your Authentic Business…

Don’t we all wish that building an authentic business can feel “easy”? That just about any action you take in your business results in greater income? I offer a couple of reframes in this video that I hope will support true ease...

Posted by George Kao, Authentic Business Coach on Friday, September 1, 2023

Don’t we all wish that building an authentic business can feel “easy”?

That just about any action you take in your business re…

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Success in solopreneurship requires a stable schedule.

The only way I’ve seen solopreneurs have a stably successful business is if they keep a stable schedule of work.

That schedule is different for everyone, of course, but it’s still a stable schedule of some sort.

When I tell this to my students, who are hippies at heart (like me!), there’s often pushback:

“George, there must be a way to thrive without working with a strict schedule/calendar… my brain/heart just doesn’t work like yours… there are different personality types and all types can…

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The most urgent concern re: Ai development (and what to do about it)

The biggest concern re: Ai Development (and what to do about it)

I do have concerns about Ai. My biggest fear is not that it'll destroy the world, or democracy. My concern is how incredibly distracting it will be. What are you doing to prepare for it?

Posted by George Kao, Authentic Business Coach on Friday, April 28, 2023

I don’t think you and I need to worry about the world-destruction potential of Ai.  


Because those of us reading this (who don't work in the Ai field or i…

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Content Sabbaticals: An Essential Tool for Resilient Creators

Content Sabbaticals: An Essential Tool for Resilient Creators

I've noticed that many people struggle with maintaining a consistent rhythm in their content creation. They create in sporadic bursts, and find it difficult to regain momentum each time they return to creating. Of course, it’s important to take breaks from creating… but ideally, we would do it in a planned way. This allows us to prepare to really rest. And then, to consciously return to regenerating a momentum of creating. With…

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Are you spending enough time on your business? (Time requirements for an authentic business)

Time requirements for building an authentic business

If you don't create your own structure, someone else will create it for you, resulting in less autonomy and freedom. Here's the blog post I mentioned in the video --

Posted by George Kao, Authentic Business Coach on Friday, March 24, 2023

After coaching many people on how to grow their business, I find this recurring issue:

Many people are not spending enough time on the right actions..…

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