Logo The Joyful Productivity Club For Solopreneurs & Freelancers

Are you a solopreneur or freelancer, driven by passion but constantly experiencing isolation, overwhelm, and lack of follow through on what you need to get done?

You pour your heart into your work… yet the journey can feel like a lonely climb. Juggling countless tasks, battling distractions, and lacking a supportive community can leave you drained and questioning your path.

Without well-designed support, tools, and community, it's easy to get stuck in a cycle of procrastination, scattered focus, inconsistent results, and loss of motivation.

You know consistency is key to unlocking massive results, but staying motivated and accountable on your own can feel impossible sometimes.

This is why we created JoyPro.



  • Feeling well-connected and resourced, within a supportive community of fellow “soulpreneurs” – eliminating the loneliness that accompanies solo work.

  • Effectively prioritizing your tasks and projects – giving you daily clarity on what matters most.

  • Mastering the art of context switching – developing the mental agility to move smoothly between different types of work, whether it's strategic planning, client calls, or creative brainstorming, without losing momentum or focus.

  • Staying consistently accountable – ensuring you make steady progress toward your goals – leading to significant and sustainable results over time.

Welcome to JoyPro – a support group that addresses these core challenges through the Joyful Productivity framework (described below).

This program is designed to help you break free from isolation, gain control of your priorities, and achieve your professional goals with consistent balance – and joy!

By joining us, you are stepping into a community of like-minded, like-hearted “soulpreneurs” who are committed to mutual support, growth, and accountability.

JoyPro is an updated program starting in August 2024.

Here are some participants from the previous version:

George Kao
Dr. Steve Chee - Integrative Medicine

“Joyful Productivity has been a profound experience for me.

What if you could have an assistant whom you could fully trust to schedule your life in a way that felt aligned with your heart and soul’s purpose? An assistant who knew you as well as you know yourself and was willing to be flexible and adaptable to your changing life and demands and always wanted to make sure you were taking care of yourself first?

Joyful Productivity helped me get in touch with this assistant inside me.”

Integrative Medicine

George Kao
Tomar Levine - Spiritual Mentor

“Having been structure-resistant for my entire life, I am starting to soften in my approach to my calendar. Although George is super-organized, he allows for all degrees of flexibility in adapting his principles. That's what makes it possible for me to experiment and play. I'm starting to block off periods of time for my top priorities, for what I am motivated to do anyway, and this starts a dialogue between me and my external world. Instead of being haphazard and impulse-driven, I am feeling more intentional and in harmony with my actions, while remaining relaxed and actually happier - and more productive.”

Spiritual Mentor

George Kao
Tara Whitney - Leadership Development for CPAs

“I was very reluctant before joining George's Joyful Productivity program. I thought that I had enough on my plate and I was already creating a weekly calendar.

Yet, I knew deep down that I wasn't spending my time in the way that served me and my business best. I was checking off the boxes, but those boxes weren't really supporting me.

​Joyful Productivity gave me a gentle approach to make small changes and had room to play and experiment. I know I don't need to do it "right" and I can use my weekly process to try out habits and techniques so that I'm spending my time intentionally. This program has been a game changer and I know I'm just getting started!”

Leadership Development for CPAs

George Kao
Tia Ma - Holistic Resilience Coach

“Out of the 20 -plus courses I’ve taken from George so far, this one—the Joyful Productivity program —has facilitated the most shift in my world.

It’s because it addresses time, and our relationship with agreements.... especially agreements to our self!

​As someone healing trauma in my brain and body, time has been a place of distortion, dissociation and disappointment in my past.
This program is helping me rewire navigating productivity, efficiency AND self care.”

Holistic Resilience Coach

George Kao
Gregory Vahanian - Life Coach

“This program is imbued with George’s signature gentleness and self-care as cornerstones to Joyful Productivity.

I’m finding the application of the principles & practices has both up-levelled the quality of my self-care as well as my time blocking and wholehearted productivity.”

Life Coach

Here’s what’s included:

  1. Daily Intention Setting (Monday through Friday, led by a facilitator) – 15 minutes Zoom group, where you get to quietly  clarify your top goal/project for the day, and the key value(s) you’d like to apply.
    • As the group has grown, there are facilitators doing these daily calls at different times, to serve various time zones and schedules.
    • There will be a space in our private forum to briefly check in (via writing) at the end of your day, if you’d like.

  2. Dedicated Trios (optional and concierge-assigned) – You’ll be in a group with two others, where the three of you will meet or email to share: 
    1. Reflections from last week’s work – what did you learn about your priorities?
    2. What are your priorities this week?
    3. Have you planned – for example, calendared – to work on them?
    4. What are the likely distractions, and how will you deal with them? 
    5. Plan co-working sessions with each other. 
    6. FYI – How each team is put together:
      • Preference for email vs weekly meeting, and timezone
      • Preference (if any) for team members’ gender and professions
      • Longer meeting (mutual problem-solving) vs Shorter meeting (I'm going to do X ⇒ I have done X, or not… plus some friendly cheering!)
      • Preference for career/business level and focus area

  3. Monthly Productivity Learning: One productivity skill is taught by George Kao and then there’s group co-working to plan how you’ll integrate the skill, as well as revisit the priorities for the coming month. (This call is recorded for members.)

  4. Virtual Work Retreats 8x / month (to do what you planned!) – these sessions are at different times to allow people with different schedules to join at least one.

  5. Member-Only Forum for resource sharing, accountability, encouragement. (Not on Facebook.) Other members are becoming more joyfully productive and sharing their techniques in this community!


At the heart of our program is the Joyful Productivity Framework, a simple yet comprehensive approach to align your work with your values and well-being.

This framework combines the best of productivity science and mindfulness practices, guiding you through a monthly cycle of skill integration, weekly accountability, daily focus, and values-aligned action.

Sign up for monthly or annual
($60 USD Monthly or $600 USD Annual)


Join us.

Picture yourself deeply connected to a community of like-minded peers, celebrating your wins, learning effectively from challenges, and cheering each other at every stage.

You’ll feel energized on a consistent basis to work joyfully, knowing that you have supportive accountability to make steady progress on your most important goals. 

This is what awaits you inside the program. By combining a proven productivity framework with the power of a focused community, you now have the key missing pieces to thrive as a solopreneur.

  • Break free from isolation
  • Gain clarity on your priorities
  • Achieve consistent progress toward your goals!

This program is not just about getting more done; it's about transforming the way you approach your work: not hustle and grind, but integrating joy and productivity, ensuring that your professional journey is fulfilling and aligned with your deeper values.

Join our supportive community of fellow solopreneurs and freelancers, and discover a more joyful and purposeful way of working! You are investing in a system designed to help you thrive, providing you with the tools, community, and accountability you need to succeed.

Enrollment is now open.

Sign up for monthly or annual
($60 USD Monthly or $600 USD Annual)


Joining the Joyful Productivity Club is an investment in yourself - your productivity, your well-being, and your success as a solopreneur. For just $60 per month, you'll gain access to a powerful suite of resources designed to help you thrive:

  1. Daily prioritizing sessions: Start each day with clarity and intention, guided by skilled facilitators.
  2. Dedicated accountability trios: Form a close-knit group for weekly check-ins, support, and shared accountability.
  3. Monthly productivity skills training: Master a new productivity skill each month and integrate it seamlessly into your workflow. Recorded for members.
  4. Virtual work retreats: Power through your to-do list in a supportive and focused environment, with emphasis in working while grounded in our values.
  5. Supportive member-only forum: Connect, share resources, and celebrate wins with a community of like-minded, like-hearted solopreneurs.

$60/mo or $600/year

Imagine the time and energy you'll save by having a clear, joyful productivity framework to guide your daily efforts.

Consider the peace of mind that comes with knowing you have a supportive community to keep you accountable and celebrate your wins.

And think about the long-term impact on your business and life as you develop sustainable habits and strategies for success!

At just $60 per month, this program is an incredible value. This is an opportunity to invest in your productivity, well-being, and success.


  1. What is the time commitment for this program?
    The program is designed to be flexible, allowing you to engage with the resources and community at your own pace. We recommend attending a daily focus session each week (15 minutes) or more often if you can, checking in with your accountability team (approximately 30 minutes per week), and attending the monthly Joyful Productivity learning session (1 hour per month). 

  2. Can I join the program if I'm not a solopreneur or freelancer?
    While the program is designed specifically for solopreneurs and freelancers, the principles and strategies we teach can be applied to various work contexts. If you're a small business owner, remote worker, or anyone looking to improve their productivity and well-being, and you resonate with the Joyful Productivity framework as described above, you're welcome to join us!

  3. How do I become an affiliate to promote this program?
    We're excited to partner with those who believe in our mission and are able to refer groups of people to the Program. If you believe you can introduce at least 10 people into the program, please contact George Kao about becoming an affiliate.

  4. What sets this program apart from other productivity courses?
    Our program is unique because it combines proven productivity strategies with a focus on joy, values-alignment, and community support. We believe that true productivity isn't just about getting more done; it's about doing the right things in a way that feels meaningful and sustainable. By joining our program, you'll not only learn practical skills but also gain a network of like-minded peers who will support and inspire you along the way.


About the Team:

George Kao has run a 6-figure solopreneur business since 2010, helping thousands of coaches, consultants, healers and course creators on their path to creating authentic businesses. He's published 5 books, 20 courses, and thousands of videos spanning the topics of Authentic Business, Content Marketing, Joyful Productivity, and Spiritual Growth. “Joyful Productivity” is an idea that George popularized, and has been teaching it since 2009.

Heather Tobin is an Energy Maven, Spiritual Mentor, and Intuitive Life and Business Guide, and has spent over a decade helping people prioritize their time and energy, teaching them to put themselves first. Discovering George Kao's Joyful Productivity felt like a perfect match, seamlessly blending with her practices and adding new layers to nurture her business growth!

Sign up for monthly or annual
($60 USD Monthly or $600 USD Annual)

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