
You don't need "more traffic" to your website...

By @JadeMasri from Unsplash

​Some marketing experts are always trying to get you loads of “traffic”.

By their language you can sense their values. Perhaps without consciously recognizing it, they are seeing people as a means to an end — 
their own wealth and fame.

Let's be careful not to absorb their self-absorbed values.

Let's stop thinking in terms of "traffic" and focus on serving the right "people". The language we use will determine how we relate to our audience.

What an authentic bu…

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Content Creation & Distribution

 Content is important to begin the process of discovering your calling.

Creating and growing your own authentic business requires that you discover your authentic voice through content.  Then, sharing your content draws your ideal audience to you.

Here are the 4 parts:

(Click each title to access the module.)

1: Clarify the purpose of your content, and the formats you'll be using to share your message.

2: By experimenting with various methods, you will discover your natural way of creatin…

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How To Spread Your Content


If a tree falls in an isolated forest, does anyone hear it?  

Same with your content...  You have spent the energy to write or record something.  And yet, you don't take the time to effectively distribute it to where your people are.  Who is going to see it, share it, or be impacted by it?  No one.  

As mentioned in the previous blog post (How To Create Amazing Content), the way to become a great content creator is to keep testing different pieces with people, and see what gets share…

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