I don’t mind being unattractive in my marketing...
Why I Don’t Mind Being "Unattractive" in My MarketingI have a strong stance on how “attractive” one needs to be in their brand, website, and social media presence, in order to attract ideal clients…
Posted by George Kao, Authentic Business Coach on Friday, November 24, 2023
I have a strong stance on how “attractive” one needs to be in their brand, website, and social media presence, in order to attract ideal clients…
I’ve worked for a decade to slowly and steadily build what I wo…
A Soulful Practice: Moving From Results-Driven towards Authentic Marketing
Results-Driven vs. Authentic MarketingSince you're drawn to my content, I’m going to guess: You’re in business not primarily for the money nor fame. You'd love your business to be an expression of your calling... an opportunity to serve others’ transformation… what I call an “authentic business.” Of course you’d love your business to pay the bills too, but even if it didn’t, you would still provide your authentic service in some other way, such as a hobby. Yet, when we learn from marketi…
The newest marketing techniques? Focus on substance instead.
Marketing trends? Focus on substance instead.Are you learning marketing? You’ll be tempted to go after the “newest tricks”, the latest ways to “grab” the audience’s attention, and the “must have” software to automate your business. Constant pressure to keep up with new techniques… to prevent falling behind… feels breathless. Do we really have to do this? Even if you ignore the trendiest techniques and software, which will always come and go, you can still succeed by improving the substan…
Authentic Marketing: hold loosely to agenda
Authentic Marketing: hold loosely to agendaI’ve been thinking about the agenda that many marketers have... Grab your attention with compelling headlines Get you on their email list (with a so-called “ethical bribe”) Push you through their sales funnel Keep following up until you buy Persuade you to buy more stuff None of the above are bad per se. What’s not as healthy is the attachment to the process that the audience must go through, which creates a forcefulness that nobody likes...
To get attention authentically, care more than others do...
To get attention authentically, demonstrate your care...In marketing it is assumed that the goal, the daily effort, is to get more views, more followers, more sales.... always wanting other people to do more of what we want them to do. Conventional marketing is very self-centered. “If I don’t strive to get my share of attention, I won’t be able to survive!” The result is the proliferation of questionable marketing strategies and pushy sales tactics, that aim to “grab” audience attention …