
The Client Awareness Journey - 5 Phases Towards Working With You

As coaches and consultants, we’re not just in the business of personal and professional transformation; we’re also guiding potential clients through what I call the “Awareness Journey.”

The model originated from Eugene Schwartz’s 1966 “Breakthrough Advertising” book, where he introduces the five stages of customer awareness. I’ve adapted it for the transformational process of coaching and consulting.

When you understand these 5 Awareness phases, you can tailor your message, connect with potent…

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The 3 Stages of Content

The 3 Stages of Content Creation

A common mistake that I see from aspiring content creators. Maybe you have done this too: You have an idea that inspires you… so you think that it must also excite other people, too. Understandable! Therefore you put lots of time (and maybe money) into packaging that idea into a book… or course… or you create an amazing video after a lot of hard work. You share it with the world. What usually happens? Far less response than you hoped for… You just fell for…

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Practice publishing your raw ideas in obscurity

Practice publishing your raw ideas in obscurity

Is it easier to publish content when you have a big audience... or a small one? It might seem obvious that a BIG audience is easier… but I hope that this video will help you truly value the small audience you have right now… and inspire you to become prolific in creating... so that you'll stumble upon your career-changing gems and grow into a huge audience (if you want) 😊

Posted by George Kao, Authentic Business Coach on Friday, October 25,…

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Create only for your future true fans.

Create only for your future true fans

Consider this: Your audience will grow far beyond the people you currently know. Your network right now is tiny, compared to your eventual (big) audience. Your current people might not even be a good representation of your true fans! ​ So don’t make your content in fear of the judgment of your existing colleagues, friends, fans, or family. They are not your true audience. Create only for your future true fans.

Posted by George Kao, Authentic Business…

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Which of Your Ideas Should Be Free vs. Paid Content?

How to decide what content you should offer for free — versus what to charge for?

Over time my thinking on this has evolved. I initially championed that all content should be free… for its potential to accelerate societal progress, while also building oneself an audience.

While I still believe in the power of free content (and offer it as much as I can!) I now seek to emphasize the vital role of paid content too…

Teachers and Authors Deserve a Livelihood

If you thrive in teaching a…

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