
The importance of keeping appointments with yourself

​To accomplish worthwhile tasks with enough time (rather than doing things last minute), it’s a good strategy to schedule multiple appointments with yourself to work on that project and make gradual progress.

This is how we build self-trust over time.

However, what if the appointment passes, and you didn't work on that project as planned?
You might:

1. Ignoring the fact that you didn’t work on it.

2. Self-blame for having not worked on it.

Neither are healthy responses. Let's talk…

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5 Motivational Methods to Help You Overcome Procrastination and Get Focused

​If a goal is challenging (and the most worthwhile goals are!), you will need motivational methods that are effective for you personally. You’ll need to continually practice the methods that help you focus and make progress, no matter how "hard" the task feels.

Below, I describe the methods that have worked best for me and my clients.

As you read this, I invite you to score each method on a scale of 0 to 10. Zero means “I’ve tried many times and this won’t work for me” and 10 means “Thi…

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Calm Joyful Focus

​When working, are you aware of your facial expression, your body posture, your breathing?

The more challenging the project, the more tense your face and body might get. This doesn't help you to do better work. Yet it increases stress.

Years ago I started practicing what I call "calm joyful focus", which is to practice noticing, throughout the day, my body expression as I work, especially my face.
Instead of furrowed eyebrows and pursed lips, I consciously relax my face, and hold a s…

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Uninspired, but Willing.

​I share this “secret” with many creators -- I don’t feel inspired until I’ve already started creating... as short as 5 minutes, upwards of 45 minutes.

I often feel uninspired. But I am willing to try.

It’s how I start my work most of the time. This very piece you’re reading started with an uninspired mood.

Working conditions don’t seem ideal to me, most of the time:
I’m either not feeling like doing what my schedule says… 

Or there’s construction or other noise going on…  

Or I’m…

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Break the pattern of delay. Stop "preparing"...

​A common thought-pattern that prevents a lot of people from making progress in their business:

Before I...  [take the next real step in my business]
I need to first do  [some preparatory action that takes a lot of time]
so that I'll feel more ready/confident to move forward.

This is a dangerous train of thought because "preparation" always sounds logical... until you wake up to the fact that you have already been preparing for …

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