Online Courses
by George Kao

Photo by Dani Gardner
George Kao delivers inspirational and action-packed courses that move your business forward.

The following are available for instant enrollment, and are listed in an approximate recommended order, although you are welcome to skip to whichever course interests you most.

The Essentials:

  1. The Joyful Productivity Club

  2. Authentic Business Planning for Self-Employed Professionals 

  3. Authentic Market Discovery: Discover the Sweet Spot Between Your Passions & Market Demand

  4. Create Aligned Offers: Effective Pricing, Service Structure, And Sales Pages For Your Ideal Clients

  5. Authentic Content Flow: Get into a Consistent Rhythm of Sharing Your Message​

  6. Netcaring: How to Wisely Keep in Touch + Find New Kindred Spirits

  7. Create Your Framework: Organize Your Ideas into a Methodology and Curriculum That is Uniquely Yours

  8. Authentic Outreach: Joyful, Honest Methods for Keeping Your Client Roster Full 

    Not sure which course is right for you?
    Try the trained chatbot on the bottom right of this screen (click the button) -- tell it something about your current goals and challenges. It'll do its best to recommend the right course! During the conversation you'll have the option to message me (George) if the bot can't help.

The Electives:

  1. FAR Intention Setting Workshop: Set Effective Vision & Action Plans that Allow You To Follow-Through

  2. Healthy Money Mindset & Habits

  3. “What Do You Do?” –
    Integrate Your Deep & Diverse Work
    Into a Coherent Intro & About Page

  4. The Art of Authenticity: Discover Your ENERGY SIGNATURE and Attract Resonant Clients

  5. Interview Mastery: Refine Your Message & Expand Your Reach with Soulful Conversations

  6. Launch Your Heart-Centered Group Program via The 20-Client Model

  7. Creating and Marketing Your Own Online Courses

  8. Revolutionize Your Creativity: Using A.I. Tools To Grow Your Authentic Business

  9. Simple Authentic Moneymaking Workshop

  10. Effortless Yes: The Art of Honest Persuasion and Influence with Integrity

  11. LinkedIn for the Self-Employed:
    Optimize Your Profile
    Nurture an Ideal Network
    & Grow Your Business

  12. YouTube Mastery: Channel Growth with Heart, Soul, and Analytics (this is my main course about making authentic videos)

  13. Instagram Marketing -- Simple & Authentic Strategies to Grow Your Ideal Audience
  14. Facebook Marketing & Facebook Ads for Authentic Businesses

  15. Authentic SEO and Keyword Research To Help Ideal Clients Find You
  16. Simple Book Creation: How To Write, Edit, Self-Publish
To be notified when the next live course is open for registration, ​join George Kao's course announcements email list.