Contact George Kao


Got questions?

  • What questions do you have about growing your business authentically

    Click the button on the bottom right of this screen. Have a conversation with my trained bot. You might get just the response you need at this time :)

    Or, you can email me by replying to any email broadcast you've received from me, such as from my email newsletter.

  • Would you like to inquire about hiring me as your coach?  Click here for info.
My social media profiles:

​George Kao
304 S. Jones Blvd, #7676
Las Vegas, NV 89107-2623

How to email me personally

I get a lot of emails, so I'd love for you to first try my chatbot (click the icon on the bottom right -- if you're wondering, I'm using myaskai) ...and have a conversation to see if it gets you what you're looking for first (it often does!)... then if the chat doesn't help, you can ask it to hand over to a human, which is me :) Thank you 🙏🏼