Authentic Marketing
George Kao's top posts re: authentic marketing
Glance through the list below and click on one that resonates with you at this time...
The Mountaintop and the Riverbank
Don’t try to get attention. Be yourself and notice who shows up.
Clarify your unique strengths for your authentic business
Even if you're not posting any content, don’t neglect to do gentle launches 🌱
Spiritual teachers: your marketing makes a greater impact than your “real” work...
Don't niche yourself. DO niche your offers.
Instantly Impressive vs Consistently Authentic
Separate your Content from your Selling
Create for just 1 caring person
Instead of competitors, think "niche mates"
Every authentic business needs its own framework
No need for traffic-and-conversion funnels
Why I don't protect my writings
You don't need "more traffic" -- you need true fans
Charm Pricing — why I don’t recommend it
Free vs. Premium Content (how to decide?)
We don't have to do "lizard-brain marketing"
The 3 stages of wise (and great) content
Instead of selling, work on understanding and helping
I don’t mind being unattractive in my marketing...
Don't be afraid to lose anyone