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Reviews (thus far) --

"I've read so many of George's books and this one is the best by far. George is the wisest marketer and business coach I know because he practices restraint. It may seem like he doesn't know what he's doing because he's not flashy and wham bam. But the wise aren't fooled by this - they're drawn to this marketing monk. He has chosen his digital presence wisely. He's choosing what NOT to do. He's intentional and aware, even of his own ego. This book shows that. Please read it if you want to reach a higher level of understanding within yourself. Not just for your business. But for your dreams."

"This was the first book by George Kao that I have read, so not knowing what to expect, I am glad to have come across his work.

Without being overwhelming, the strategies and messages were perfect for this book. There are links provided within each chapter that lead to videos and blog posts for further exploration of the topics.

So while the content is valuable and solid, what sets this book apart is the tone of the author - very lighthearted and joyful. It reminds us to let go and be ourselves on this journey, and that our humanness is at the heart of what we do, and what will be received by our true audience. It connects us to the deeper purpose of our work and uses "marketing" as a way to strengthen that connection. It's not about the 'end goal'; it focusses on developing while on the journey of creating and serving. This book is not for those who want to hide behind a "safe mask" of generic or AI generated sales copy - it is a call to those who yearn to express themselves more freely and connect with others in a real way.

I will be keeping this handy to refer back to while developing a practice of creating - it's like having a coach at your side!"

"Authentic Content Marketing is one of the books that should be on every solopreneur's bookshelf. George weaves the best practices on leveraging this tool called "content marketing" with his personal learnings and insights from his over a decade experience in this arena.

Content creators are often advised to "write for the algorithm", which is like eating a lollypop for dinner - great for the metrics but leaves you hungry and unfulfilled.

Instead, George shows you how to use your unique point of view and your unique voice to create a satisfying content buffet for you and for your ideal audience.

If you're tired of candy marketing advice, then I'd recommend you check out Authentic Content Marketing."
--erika sage

Links to buy the book:

Kindle version

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