
Authentically grow your social media -- by supporting your audience's sovereignty

Authentically grow social media -- by supporting your audience's sovereignty 🌟

Many people have lost connection with their inner authority. So when they sense confidence that promises to solve their problems, they gravitate towards it. This is the path of the typical influencer. They’re trying to build a “cult” following that does whatever they tell them to do… including to buy whenever they tell them to. The influencer might use charm, persuasion, and clever copywriting to get it done. N…

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Clarify your unique strengths for your authentic business

You have a rare combination of strengths that will help you in business. What are they? Look at the list of possibilities below — find a unique combination that offers you an advantage.

Also be honest about your weaknesses. List them out, and minimize your need to use those traits. It will save you time and angst! And it’ll free up the energy to focus on your strengths.

The point is not to have “more” strengths… but rather, to know what is your specific combination and then to lean into …

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Don’t try to get attention. Be yourself and see who shows up.

Don’t try to get attention. Be yourself and see who shows up.

Authentic marketing is the practice of expressing your soul, from an energetic space of enjoyment and connection.

Posted by George Kao, Authentic Business Coach on Friday, April 26, 2024

This was was originally written in 2019, now updated in 2024.

As you grow your audience, you’ll start hearing that you need to learn to “get people’s attention”.

To try to stand out… to be more charming… to be more persuasive.

In the…

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Timing Matters Far Less Than Product-Market Fit…

Timing Matters Far Less Than Product-Market Fit…

After launching more than 100 things (courses, coaching, group programs, etc.) I've learned this counterintuitive truth -- timing doesn't really matter. It surprised me too. You can launch any time of the year, month, week, and it will make little difference if you don't have product-market fit. Not timing. What makes a much bigger difference in sales is the right Topic, Person (that you're addressing), and Format... and those insights are …

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Why would anyone pay attention to your content? 🙇

Why would anyone pay attention to your content? 🙇

A reader asked me: “How can my free content compete with the big authors in my field? Why would anyone want to watch my videos, or read my articles?” If you’re creating content, then this is a good question for you to reflect on as well...

Posted by George Kao, Authentic Business Coach on Friday, April 5, 2024


A reader asked me:

“How can my free content compete with the big authors in my field? Why would anyone want to watc…

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